Microfibre cleaning products are more environmentally friendly than paper towels as they can be used over and over again. Whilst microfibre cloths are made of polyesters and nylon, we use recycled products to make them and as a well cared cloth should last for years, the environmental ‘balance’ compared with hundreds of rolls of paper towels is in favour of microfibre.
Flourish has options to produce microfibre products in both Australia and overseas and can pick the most suitable option for you. With your full colour, high resolution visuals, these microfibre products are highly retained brand reminders and are alternatives to some of the typical collateral we all use. Talk to us about the range – phone cleaners to large beach towels, tea towels and mouse mats, packaging and bags.
Phone Cleaner
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
5 May 2021
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