Augmented Reality brings your message to life! It offers your customers the opportunity to interact directly with your product from their mobile device, whilst they are choosing your product or considering their options, from your printed advertising campaign or your pack, anywhere, anytime.
With sophisticated adaptations, the AR programming can “react” to the print on retail packs and other tangible items, like our astronaut. In the augmented realm you can add further links to education, websites and games, comparisons to other products or open the door to joining loyalty programs.
Talk to us about how to merge your tangible and digital communications plan.
Retail Pack
Using the front of your retail pack, you can easily build an AR link to your ad campaign. Click here to see vitamins at work. In the instance that a sales person is not available, this simple link could include all the information that should be shared to choose your product.
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
5 May 2021
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