More than just a quality wine gift box, our eco-friendly wine carriers transform any bottle of wine into a luxury gift. Reusable as a wine holder, each transforms into another useful, stylish piece. Think wooden wine rack, a wine bucket or a tray for gourmet delights. Can be custom branded – hot brand stamped or laser engraved. Thoughtfully designed and eco-friendly, our wine gift box was dreamed up by award-winning Dutch designers who are passionate about the environment, wine and good design.
The Wine Rack
In addition to helping your bottle stand apart from other gifts, the wine box can be transformed from a carrier to a wooden wine rack with the simple flip of a few hinges. It can be reconfigured several different ways for storing three, six, or even 12 bottles of wine.
The Cooler
A wooden gift box for a bottle of wine with a cork interior. Made from natural material, it keeps a bottle cool for 1.5 hours. That’s way cooler!
The Wine Tray
A wooden box for carrying one bottle of wine that transforms into a serving tray. Voila!
Read More4 April 2018
3 January 2018
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