UV Sterilisers are useful, not only during a global pandemic but in years to come also.
UV-C does not damage your phone or items. Making it a quick and proactive way to remove bacteria, allowing you to safely use your items!
Antibacterial products reduce bacteria on surfaces and materials, preventing bacterial contamination. Overall providing a hygienic environment for you and your items.
What is UV-C?
Ultraviolet (UV), light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. There are different ranges, with UV-C breaking molecular bonds in the DNA of viruses & bacteria- killing them. UV-C helps sterilise everyday items from harmful germs.
More UV-C Ideas
Sterilise while you charge
The short energetic wavelengths kill 99.9% of germs. Most UV-C sterilisers having
5 minute sterilization cycles, and a sensor that switches off the UV when opening the lid. Meanwhile, once the item has been sterilised it can remain within the box or on top of the wireless charger to increase battery. So that it is fully charged and sterilised before its next use.
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