Flourish strives to find the balance between tangible and digital marketing. Whilst reach can be quite large with digital mail, recent research* shows that consumers who only saw a digital format ad could recall the brand 44% of the time, whilst those who received direct mail (tangible piece) with the same information were able to recall the brand 75% of the time.
In the same research, it was construed that direct mail ads take 21% less cognitive effort to process compares to the same ads in the digital forum. The average response to a targeted direct mail (across all industries) is 3.7% whilst for a digital communication, it is only 0.62%. In 2016, Flourish worked on several direct mail programs and received over 24% response in the health industry!
We would suggest having a direct mail element to your marketing plan and would be very happy to discuss this further with you. We can also discuss response measurement and ROI.
Here are some great options for building interaction with your mailing – they certainly bring the message to life!
DM with timber
Whether using an existing template or creating something new, Flourish can develop a suitable solution for you.
DM with foam
Your brand and message is printed on the pieces.
DM with models
Any model can be developed – great for real estate, human body or anatomical educational pieces.
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
5 May 2021
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