These days when we leave the house it’s as essential to remember our face masks as it is our keys!
They have become an integral part of our lives and now come in a range of styles, colours and materials. Ranging from the staple disposable blue variety to designer versions for the ultimate fashion accessory costing up to £700 each!
Face masks are destined to stay an accepted part of society for the foreseeable future and so in order to protect them, Flourish now offer a range of brandable mask holders.
Hopefully everyone is an expert in the practice of facemasks; how to put them on, wear and look after them. But just incase; we have supplied an important guide for you!
These face mask holders not only make it easier to protect them from germs and damage but make them easier to carry and therefore less likely to be forgotten.
The holders are compact and can be easily kept in a pocket or handbag.
Those displayed are made in resistant PP material, making it easy to disinfect after use and translucent to easily see which mask is inside.
They have an accessible folding system allowing users to quickly get their masks when needed.
Cases can be printed enabling you to personalise them for your brand.
Sick of your mask hanging around your ears?
Mask lanyards are another alternative available, allowing for a more comfortable experience when having to take your mask off. They are a great option, as it has been advised not to pull your mask down onto skin which has been exposed.
*Written for UK Clients and Contacts, who were still experiencing lockdown and strict mask restrictions.
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
5 May 2021
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