True Wireless Stereo – TWS, allows two audio devices to be paired separately via Bluetooth. The left and right wireless channels create studio-quality sound for listeners.
But don’t two speakers produce stereo sound? In most cases mono sound is being used even with two speakers. Making TWS the perfect option for those wanting high quality audio.
TWS can also be utilised with wireless speakers. Allowing the speakers to pair, forming two channels, creating clear and crisp sound.
A great way to create and experience surround sound, when listening to music with friends and Family!
Things to look out for:
Unlike other wireless earphones, TWS earphones are not connected by a wire from each ear piece.
This allows for tangle-free use, as well as fast, convenient pairing with any device!
Making them the perfect earphones for running, driving or working.
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
12 May 2021
5 May 2021
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