Flourish has won the ultimate Platinum Award from APPA. As Campaign Brief stated “Flourish Scoops the Pool with Four Gold, a Silver and the Platinum Award for Overall Excellence”. And its not a one off, Flourish has consistently won awards since forming in 2010. We believe its due to our drive to find the most suitable tangible marketing solutions and to drive the right response from the target market.
The Winners…
“Clever, witty, targeted, interactive…” were just some of the judges’ comments about the Gift With Purchase solution Flourish developed on a limited budget for Pantera Press to promote a latest release title in a series. A Magnetic Story Set was created using words and imagery from the new series. The sets were easy to deliver, perfect for retail being fun to promote, easy to store and offered longevity and continued to create ongoing interest for the whole range and still resulting in a 68% increase in sales over the previous title! Flourish was awarded the PLATINUM Award for Overall Excellence for fantastic ingenuity.
We scooped the Direct Mail awards with GOLD for our Video Mailer for Pharmacy Guild and SILVER for MasterCard (see below). The Pharmacy Guild piece was shaped to reflect the Pharmacy Guild Cross, helping to promote the brand and the automated playing from a 5” LCD screen ensured significant cut through of the key messages, high retention and sharing figures, not surprisingly resulting in a significant response to this targeted campaign.
We received GOLD for a unique invite to a Corporate Tradeshow for Mercer Super Trust. Individually formed and numbered hexagons made from Australian Jarrah formed the basis of this piece. These highly tactile pieces were the “key” for CEO, CFO and MDs of Super Funds to unlock the learnings of a new product from Mercer and to receive a bottle of champagne at the stand. The activation led to an incredible 25% conversion rate – unheard of for this target group.
Read More23 October 2019
15 October 2019
13 August 2019
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